Nurturing Thinking Dogs

Caring Canine Puppy Prep Course

About Caring Canine Puppy Prep Course

Interested in working together with your dog in animal-assisted interactions and interventions? We have partnered with AAI Singapore to design this course for you!

Learn how to participate safely and effectively in animal-assisted interactions. Teach and hone your dog’s foundational behaviours and skills necessary for such settings. Forge meaningful experiences with the communities who will benefit greatly from these connections.

Class information


Campus location

Class size

Age eligibility


More about Caring Canine Puppy Prep Course

What will your pup and you learn?

🐾 Recognising and understanding your puppy’s body language and behaviour;
🐾 Learning how to respond empathetically and proactively if your pup becomes frightened during socialisation or training; and
🐾 Strengthen your relationship with your puppy, so as to partner them effectively in conducting animal-assisted interactions.

Some skills covered include:
🐾 Sit to say please;
🐾 Reliable recall; 
🐾 Settling on a mat;
🐾 Greeting others politely; and
🐾 Walking calmly on a leash;

🐾 Understanding the unique challenges and stressors associated with animal-assisted interaction settings;
🐾 Providing your pup with positive socialisation experiences in preparation for the environment in which they will work; and
🐾 Teaching your pup the foundational behaviours and skills necessary for participating in animal-assisted interaction safely and effectively.

Learn how to set your pup up for success in their interactions with different communities!

What's Caring Canine Puppy Prep Course about?

This course aims to equip both your pup and you with the necessary skills to navigate through programmes centered around animal-assisted interactions.

In the Caring Canine Puppy Prep Course, your pup will learn the social skills fundamental to interacting with humans in an animal-assisted interaction setting. You, as the owner, will also learn how to utilise the skills taught to your dog in different situations to keep each interaction successful.

First session: Meet & Greet session (20 minutes)

The aaisg team will meet your puppy and you at an outdoor location to assess your puppy’s suitability for taking part in the course. A S$100 deposit is required upon registration to secure your place at the Meet & Greet. This amount will be refunded if your puppy is deemed unsuitable.

Second session: Theory lesson (2 hours)

This class will be held at Puppy Colours. Topics covered include the basics of canine behaviour, puppy development and learning theory, which are essential for the next stage.

The remainder of the programme fees are due at this point.

Third and fourth sessions: Practical classes (1 hour each)

The first two practical classes will be held at Puppy Colours, which offers a controlled environment for your pup’s optimal learning. Your pup and you will get to put the skills you’ve learnt in the theory lesson from the previous week to practise!

Fifth and sixth sessions: Practical classes (1 hour each)

The next two practical classes will be at the venue of an aaisg partner organisation, such as a community centre, a senior nursing home, or a sheltered home for youths. The location will be determined with students who are a suitable fit.

These sessions offer you and your pup the opportunity to practise and proof your skills in a real-life setting.

The Caring Canine Puppy Prep Course is designed to further foundational behaviours and skills and facilitate socialisation in preparation for animal-assisted interactions.

It is not designed for dogs with existing behaviour issues such as excessive barking, over excitement, aggression anxiety, extreme fear or other issues that is beyond normal behaviour. Should there be any existing behaviour issues, please take a look at the classes offered for Behaviour Modification!

The completion of the Caring Canine Puppy Prep Course does not guarantee your dog’s eligibility to participate in AAI Singapore’s programmes. While this course will equip your pup and you in animal-assisted interactions and interventions, their temperament can change due to negative experiences, or even as a part of their development in their adolescent phase.

For those who are assessed to be a suitable fit at 18-months of age upon completing this course, you will be offered 15% off AAI Singapore’s Prep Course fee.

Requirements for participating pups:

Interested in signing your pup up?

The third intake is currently open for registration.

To sign up, simply DM AAI Singapore (@aaisingapore) on Instagram or drop them an email!